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獲得多項榮譽,包括:法國La Guilde Française國際鋼琴比賽第三獎,台灣(全國)音樂比賽鋼琴獨奏項目少年組冠軍以及台灣(全國)音樂比賽鋼琴獨奏以及作曲項目兒童組雙料冠軍。通過教育部藝術資賦優異學生甄試,負笈法國巴黎主修鋼琴演奏,受教於鋼琴家梅湘夫人Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen,為台灣學生第一位畢業自國立巴黎高等音樂學院第三階段研究班(3e Cycle de Perfectionnement)殊榮者。在長達十年的旅外生涯中,獲得豐富的演奏經驗,受邀至巴黎大皇宮音樂展、倫敦梅湘慶生音樂節、阿威農Acanthe音樂節、台灣兩廳院「樂壇新秀」演出,應駐法代表處邀請赴巴黎協奏演出等等。曾受邀與國家交響樂團、台北縣立文化中心(現為新北市)交響樂團、澳門室內樂團、國立台灣師範大學管絃樂團、國立臺中教育大學弦樂團以及國立東華大學交響樂團與管樂團協演鋼琴協奏曲。至今仍熱衷參與各項演出。
劉院長除了親自擔任2015年、2018年與2021年東華大學國際鋼琴音樂營總策劃與教學,年年支持東華爵士營、東華管樂營並協助轉型為國際營隊,豐富營隊學習內容的跨域與多元,經常性補助「角落藝術節」,推動校園藝術美學普及,邀請國外優秀藝術家到校展演或教學,更自2016年起主持或參與教育部計畫,包含「2017年特色大學試辦計畫:優質銜接」、「2017年教學創新試辦計畫:藝術翻轉與實踐學院」、「2018-2019年高等教育深耕計畫:大學社會責任實踐計畫~藝術來逗陣:打造花蓮市藝文樂活聚落」、「2020-2022年高教深耕計畫:USR Hub~藝術來鬥陣:不倒翁樂齡人生共學計畫」,設法與各系所課程結合,促進學生實作,並強調藝術之社會責任實踐與產官學合作。
於2016年策劃東華大學跨領域藝術劇場《水若》、《關懷青少年~爵士公益戶外音樂會暨學生優秀作品展》,2016至2019年推動《台北當代藝術館X國立東華大學藝術學院X新光三越》產官學合作,包含《經典動畫音樂會~共鳴》、《島嶼隱身~特別音樂會》、《MOCA南西當紅與東華交響樂團快閃行動X戶外音樂會》、《災難的靈視~開幕音樂會》,2017年起整合學院三系所、地方資源人才與議題策劃一年一度的《藝饗在地方》(Arts & Terroir)大型藝術展演活動,包含《森坂藝術節》(2017)、《漬物》(2018)、《前震子:我們與災難的距離》(2019)、《樂齡》(2020),積極連結校內外單位機構,規劃辦理「斷層上的藝術與生活跨領域工作坊」、規劃執行「國立東華大學25週年校慶~阿瑪迪斯助學感恩音樂會」、「詩人楊牧追思音樂會暨總統褒揚令頒授典禮」等等。
One of the rare pianists of Taiwan to receive the finest training in both European and American musical environments. She is a graduate of The National Superior Conservatory of Music and Dance of Paris, where she studied with pianist Madame Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen and graduated with supreme honors. She also holds a master's degree in piano performance from the Juilliard School where she studied with pianist Jacob Lateiner. Professor Liu now keeps an active schedule as a performer while serving as the Dean/Professor of the College of the Arts of the National Dong Hwa University. She also teaches in the music department at the Taipei City University. Through her performances at the National Concert Hall, the Taipei Concert Hall, and the concert halls of Taiwan's east coast, audiences have come to know Professor Liu for colorful, committed and passionate playing combined with keen artistic intelligence. In addition to these regular performances Professor Liu remains in constant demand for special projects. Professor Liu's career as a pianist was auspiciously launched when she was named winner of both the 1980 and 1982 Taiwan national piano competitions for young musicians. With these honors came the opportunity to study in France with the award of a government grant. She was accepted into Madame Yvonne Loriord-Messiaen's studio and studied further with Professor Michel Beroff within the 3e Cycle de Perfectionnement at the Paris Conservatory after she awarded first prize (Premier Prix) for solo performance and chamber music. Soon after this she won third prize in the International Piano Competition of the Guilde Française.
During her ten-year residency in France and America professor Liu performed in many historic concert halls including the Barbican Center in London, the Pope Palace in Avignon, the Gaveau Music Hall in Paris, the Petit Palais (Little Palace) in Paris, the Alice Tully Hall in New York, and the National Concert Hall in Taipei.
Professor Liu is in constant demand as a mentor and adjudicator as well as a performing artist. Among the many projects and competitions in Taiwan that claim Professor Liu as a guiding voice are events sponsored by the National Concert Hall, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, The National Music Competition for Young Musicians, The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) Piano Competition for Young Musicians, the SinoPac Holdings Philharmonic Music Competition, the KHS Piano Competition, and the Taiwan Representative Competition for the Japan Classic Music Competition…etc..
Appointed as Dean of the College of the Arts of NDHU since 2015, she devoted herself more into cross-disciplinary projects which have brought out to a production of experimental theatre, the “Aquatic Poetry” in 2016 and a successful art festival “2017 NDHU x Morisaka Art Festival: the Terroir Matters.” which united NDHU with the Morisaka Developmetal Association and was supported by the Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau and the Hualien District Office of Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture. Besides exhibits and concerts, many projects are ongoing under Dean Liu’s efforts like international art camps, international exchange activities, curriculum reform and University Social Responsibilities project…etc. All will contribute to build the College of the Arts of NDHU an important art institution in Taiwan and Asia.
Dean Liu serves in committees of several cultural and educational foundations and institutions, such as the Taiwan Foundation of Life Aesthetics, the Alliance Française in Taiwan, Taiwan-France Foundation of Culture and Education, Cultural Foundation of Hualien County and Hann Star Foundation.
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